After the sun set, another 3 hours hiking out with many half frozen icy river crossings done in bare feet. I left a stick on each side of the rivers on the way up, so that i could find the crossings on way back and to help getting across.. The feeling up above 12,000 feet by oneself int eh early winter, at times forging trails, with pristine wilderness is a celebration of the soul.
The many moods of the mountain visible from our front deck.
The picture below, is returning from the other side of the mountain.
Its all about the light. In seconds the most intense golden reflections of the sun can light up the mountain, and then in a few seconds turn from pink to blood red, hence their name, Sangre de Christos (the blood of Christ).
The frozen waterfall, over 20+ feet high, has a timeless quality, as if still flowing through the canyon in eternity. 

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